Below are over 30 projects students with the Ingram School of Engineering have spent months developing for this two-semester sequence course.
Senior Design Day - Fall 2022
All links and project pages will be active on Senior Design Day starting at 1PM November 29th.
Civil Engineering Projects
These Civil Engineering projects are at the midpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are not complete.
CE Design-1 Projects
C1.01 Airport Futurity
C1.02 San Marcos Affordable Housing Project
C1.03 Affordable Housing Alternatives
C1.04 Wastewater Management
C1.05 Rehabilitation of Lake Dunlap Dam
C1.06 Rehabilitation of Aging Dam Structures
C1.07 Expanding Community Wastewater Collection and Treatment Management
C1.08 I-35 Corridor Congestion Relief
Electrical Engineering Projects
These Electrical Engineering projects are at the midpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are not complete.
EE Design-1 Projects
E1.01 Electro-Magicians: Light-Fidelity System (Li-FiS)
E1.02 Control Systems with Mixed Reality
E1.03 Fire-Bot Enhancements
E1.04 Electrostatic Field Mill
E1.05 Fuzz Breaker Stomp Pedal
E1.06 Guitar Effects Stompbox
E1.07 Robo-Fetch II
E1.08 Egg-Fetch 2
E1.09 Heat Island Kartographic Environment
E1.10 Heat Island Mapping 2
These Electrical Engineering projects are at the endpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are functionally complete.
Industrial Engineering Projects
These Industrial Engineering projects are at the midpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are not complete.
These Industrial Engineering projects are at the endpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are functionally complete.
Manufacturing Engineering Projects
These Manufacturing Engineering projects are at the midpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are not complete.
These Manufacturing Engineering projects are at the endpoint of a
two-semester sequence. They are functionally complete.