C1.01 - Airport Futurity

Safety Management and Innovation.

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Matthew Lancon, Nigiel Lozano, Bianca Desouza, David Karr 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Feng Hong

C1.01 Logo
C1.01 Logo

The criterion for the design will be based on the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) which is sponsoring a national competition for universities. We will attempt to address local issues relating to the airport operations and the National Airspace Systems. Our team will be solution driven and goal oriented by focusing on designing an all-encompassing safety management system. Our goal is to create a user-friendly system by using 3D imaging, computer software, and potential artificial intelligence to enhance safety of the airfield and for it's users. Our system will attempt to collect data by using LiDAR technology which can be used to detect foreign object debris (FOD), surface conditions such as skid resistance, cracks, and ultimately compile this data into a management system that can be used to detect any potential safety hazards.

C1.01 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

C1.01 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

C1.01 Team Photo
From left to right (Matthew Lancon, Nigiel Lozano, Bianca Desouza, David Karr)

Team Project Manager: Nigiel Lozano, n_l159@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Feng Hong , dld249@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: C1.01 Evaluation Form