Manufacturing Engineering (2nd)
These projects are at the endpoint of a two-semester sequence. They are functionally complete.
M2.01 Punch Cap Vibratory Feeding System

Sponsor: Center for High Performance Systems (CHiPS) Lab, West Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
Student Team: Taylor Novosad, Hayden Burge, Paola Flores
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
The West Texas Lighthouse for the blind is a non profit organization that employs visually disabled people and allows them to work in manufacturing, logistics and administration. One project at the facility is the EZ punch cap to create caps for pens that are given to prisons. Our project focuses on improving safety and optimizes processing time in the beginning stages of the cycle.
M2.02 CAD Pit Stop: Refining Digital Assets

Sponsor: Bobcat Racing
Student Team: Brennan Murray, Ado Kurugu, and PJ Nielson
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
The CAD Pit Stop: Refining Digital Assets project involves creating an industry-standard filing system for the Bobcat Racing team. The project involves intelligently grouping CAD files into multiple levels of assemblies. This will allow for every part on the Bobcat Racing car to have an easy-to-find version on SolidWorks. The ultimate goal of the project is to have a comprehensive filing system that will be implemented for the continuous and expanding Bobcat Racing team for years to come.
M2.03 Solar Panel Automation

Sponsor: Summers Technical Services
Student Team: Ashtin Gallegos, Alyssa Campbell, Matt Lamkin, Isaiah Montoya
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
This project aims to build a foundation for the potential of a self-adjusting solar panel system. The senior design team will be working to design a system that will allow a solar panel to track the position of the sun and adjust for maximum light exposure. This design will be important so future teams can build prototypes of this idea and, eventually, a working model for Texas State.
M2.04 Car Braking System Design & Optimization

Sponsor: Bobcat Racing
Student Team: Erwin Neira, Joe Lyons, Sebastian Armas
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
Designing and optimizing the current brake system for bobcat racings current FSAE car. We are manufacturing and assembling the brake system, spindles and uprights. Backed up with CAD analysis and physical testing.
M2.05 Synchronous Drive

Sponsor: Argent Automation
Student Team: Aidan Hardy, Josiah David, Udaya K C
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
Our goal is to manufacture and assemble a new and innovative gearbox using 3 and 5-axis machining methods. This gearbox uses incredibly unique and complex geometry, so our job is to create tool paths to machine these parts. Then once machined, we will document the assembly process and create the first working Synchronic Drive.
M2.06 Calendaring Rolling Mill

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Isaiah Garcia, Preston Putman, Nathan Diaz
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers
The goal of the project is to provide Texas State’s Makerspace an easy to use, versatile, laboratory sized calendaring machine specifically for the manufacturing of pre-preg composite materials. This is a continuation of past Senior Design projects, where now we need to not only test, but improve the Calendaring Roll Mill that was designed and built by the previous team. The plan is to use the Mill to manufacture various composite materials, perform physical and mechanical tests on the manufactured parts, and evaluate the finished parts.