Civil Engineering (2nd)
These projects are at the endpoint of a two-semester sequence. They are functionally complete.
C2.02 City of Buda T-Intersection Remodel

Sponsor: WSB
Student Team: Devin Coville, Jonathan Lopez, Lesly Luna, Jesus Saenz, Andrew Winston
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez
This project proposes the implementation of a roundabout intersection design to improve the City of Buda's downtown corridor. Currently the project is in a PS&E design phase to enhance traffic flow, traffic safety, pedestrian accessibility, on-street parking, preexisting tie-ins, and ADA and TxDOT compliance. This new design will consist of a three-way single-lane roundabout equipped with activated crossing beacons that is best suited for pedestrians and vehicle flow. Choosing this alternative gives not only the drivers, but residents and tourists a better experience when visiting the heart of Texas.
C2.03 Water Delivery Pipeline

Sponsor: HDR, GBRA
Student Team: Benjamin Lehrer (PM) Dylan McConnell, Kallen Rangnow, Rachel Mondy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez
The purpose of this project is to deliver potable water from north Lockhart to south Austin through the use of piping, formally called a water transmission line (WTL). This WTL project consists of the design and placement of a roughly 10.5 mile pipeline, pump station, ground storage tank, and elevated storage tank. The water will be supplied by the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA), and our team will design the route and placement to provide a safe, efficient, and affordable water transmission line.
C2.04 Horquetas Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Christian Guerrero, Taylor Laramore, Franklin Juarez, Andrew Webb
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez
This project focuses on designing a wastewater treatment facility to serve the community of Horquetas, Costa Rica. The goal is to provide an environmentally sustainable solution to improve the region's water management and protect the local ecosystem. The design will incorporate an aerated activated sludge basin to treat local wastewater effectively. The treated effluent will be safely discharged into the nearby San Jose River, ensuring compliance with regulatory water quality standards.
C2.05 Industrial Warehousing Development

Sponsor: Kimley-Horn
Student Team: Khaled Aly Abousabaa, Zachary Kyner, Melisa Montoya Martinez, Robert Kelsay
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez
Hays County's population is projected to grow rapidly, driving increased demand for workforce employment. In the first phase of our project, we addressed this challenge by designing an industrial warehousing development on a 25-acre site along the I-35 corridor. We evaluated four alternatives based on layout, cost, code compliance, sustainability, and feasibility, with guidance from our sponsors at Kimley-Horn, and a final design was selected. In this second phase, the team is focused on system design by integrating utility lines and fire suppression standards to finalize the chosen design.
C2.06 Dynamic Industrial Warehousing Complex

Sponsor: Kimley-Horn
Student Team: Michael Harrell, Chris Coronilla, Kyle Grevsmuehl, Stephen Gipson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez
In response to the continuous population growth in Hays County and the advantageous real estate market relative to the city of Austin, our project aims to develop a 25-acre site in San Marcos, Texas into a dynamic industrial warehousing complex. Strategically positioned along the bustling IH-35 corridor, our complex will offer over 300,000 square feet of gross floor area and cater to the rising demand for workforce employment projects. Our goal is to design a complex that helps meet this demand, and to contribute to the economic vitality of the region.