Manufacturing Engineering (1st)
These projects are at the midpoint of a two-semester sequence. They are not complete.
M1.01 Large Format Printer

Sponsor: Ingram Hall Makerspace (IHM)
Student Team: Maggie Morton, Bradnon McLaughlin, and Olivia Renner
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson
The LF 3D Printer will need to be fully assembled and functional with the 2 PETG extruders, with one being the recycled filament with a properly tuned Cura profile to match (if different from the default). This will include proper planning with a wiring diagram with proper documentation that will enable students to work with the system in the future for other projects. The X2 gantry is intended to have a generic extruder mount with available CAD files for future projects to build off of to use this printer to extrude alternative materials not suitable for the RPM printers. Documentation should be included for alterations to the firmware side to allow for needed adaptations for different extruders.
M1.02 Athena Alpha Squad

Sponsor: Bill Johnson, Athena Manufacturing
Student Team: Samuel Alvarez, Benicia Cooper , Brandon Noria, Tracy Hall.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson
This project aims to create an efficient and modular work-holding tooling system for positioning medium to large tubular and sheet metal frames during mechanical assembly. The system will include holding stands and platforms that allow assembly technicians to easily and safely move and rotate frames, promoting quick and high-quality assembly in a lean manufacturing setting. The goal is to enhance product quality, workflow, and efficiency while addressing any issues that may arise during the assembly process
M1.03 Electric Field Mill

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Bryce Raybon, Markell Evans, Musa Kurugu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson
Creating an electric field mill to predict lightning strikes by measuring the atmospheric electric field on the ground. This electromechanical device will feature a fully motorized a rotating vane as well as a rugged weatherproof encasing/housing to protect the inner electric workings of the electric field mill. The electric field mill is measured by a sensor plate featuring two pairs of electrodes which are shielded and unshielded by the rotating vane in order to create a dynamic & changing field that can be measured.
M1.04 SAE Shifter Assembly

Sponsor: Abhimanyu Sharotry, Bobcat Racing
Student Team: Cristina Cervantes, Daniel Moodie, Cecilia Schoener
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson
This project should yield a functional shifter mechanism that adheres to the SAE rulebook and is usable on the 2024 competition car. This shifter assembly can be mechanical or electrical, whichever is determined best for weight and functionality. Paddle shifters on the wheel are preferred, but other options will be considered. Design, prototyping, and manufacturing of this assembly should be complete within 1 semester and the 2nd semester will include testing and additional assistance on other parts of the car, especially tuning.
M1.05 Lighthouse Bend EZ Cap Punching Machine

Sponsor: Joshua Glaze, West Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
Student Team: Kareem Abuqasem, Joey Huttenhower, Trenton Strong
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson
The West Texas Lighthouse for the Blind is a manufacturing facility in San Angelo, Texas which employs people who are blind or have severely impaired vision. The team plans to have a working modification that drastically improves current safety issues while also maintaining/improving on the current efficiency of the punching press.