MME Ph.D.- Mission, Objectives, Outcomes

Mission Statement:

The program's mission is to achieve national prominence by providing students with the opportunity to gain depth in their domain field, acquire commercialization and entrepreneurship skills, and become proficient in applying new disruptive technologies in the development of complex products and systems.

The programs goals are to: 

  • provide core courses and prescribed electives that will give required depth skills in conventional engineering topics.
  • incorporate disruptive technologies, commercialization, and entrepreneurship into the graduate-level engineering coursework.
  • provide a wide variety of research directions proposed by faculty in three engineering disciplines; mechanical, manufacturing, and industrial.
  • contribute to advancing knowledge in engineering through original research.

Program Educational Objectives:

The Program Educational Objectives of the PhD program are designed to equip graduates with:

  • Application of disruptive technologies in the fields of mechanical and manufacturing engineering (MME). 
  • Depth in the conventional MME field.
  • Development of professional skills to pursue career paths in academia, industry, or start-up companies dealing with or developing advanced or emerging technologies. 

Student Outcomes:

Each student is expected to demonstrate:

  • An ability to apply disruptive technologies to solve complex engineering problems.
  • An ability to create knowledge in the field of mechanical, manufacturing, or industrial engineering.
  • An ability to demonstrate a deep understanding of the latest developments in the field.
  • An ability to demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills.

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