Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering PH.D

The Ingram School of Engineering offers a new graduate program: Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. With input and support from major industries, this program is designed to allow students to apply conventional engineering technical knowledge augmented with advanced skillsets in disruptive technologies, entrepreneurship, and innovation.


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The Ph.D. in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME) core curriculum incorporates these new disruptive technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Robotics and Automation, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR), Digital Twins (DT), and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and also includes commercialization and entrepreneurship into the conventional graduate-level engineering coursework and research.


This new program at Texas State aims to address the high demand for Ph.D. graduates in Mechanical Engineering (ME), Manufacturing Engineering (MFGE), and Industrial Engineering (IE), both in academia and industry. It will be student-focused, multi-disciplinary, collaborative, and equip students with conventional engineering technical knowledge augmented with advanced skillsets in disruptive technologies.  The curriculum emphasizes marketable skills that will make Texas State-trained MME Ph.D. graduates qualified for a broader range of positions.

Degree Program Paths

Entering with a Bachelor's Degree (minimum requirement of 79 hours):

  • 28 hours of “Engineering Core” courses (10 required, 18 elective)
  • 27 hours of “ selected Master Level ME, MFGE, IE, or closely related” courses.
  • 24 hours of “Dissertation” courses

Entering with a Master's Degree (minimum requirement of 55 hours):

  • 28 hours of “Engineering Core” courses (10 required, 18 elective)
  • 3 hours of “ Multidisciplinary Elective” courses.
  • 24 hours of “Dissertation” courses

Career Opportunities

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Ph.D. Graduates pursue a variety career paths in academia, industry, or start-up companies dealing with or developing advanced or emerging technologies. Graduates of the program are well-prepared for positions such as:

  • College or University Faculty
  • Industry Researchers
  • Technical Team Members
  • Government Agency Leaders
  • National Lab Researchers
  • Technology Start-Up Entrepreneurs

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