Please scroll down for the list of forms.
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Capstone/Design Class
Closed Class Override Request Form
Please use this form if you would like to gain entry into a closed class or get on the waitlist for a closed class.
Conference Room Reservation Form
Please use this from to reserve a conference room.
Course Substitution Request Form
Please use this form if you would like to substitute a class taken at another university for an EE, ENGR, IE, MFGE or upper level MATH required course.
ENGR 3190 Cooperative Education Application Form
Please use this form if you would like to apply for Co-Op Education (ENGR3190).
Equipment Check Out Form
Please use this form to request approval to check out lab equipment.
General Override Request Form
Please use this form if you receive some type of error(other than closed class error*) while trying to add a course.
Materials Upload Form
Please use this form to upload senior design team project files.
MS Engineering Thesis Forms
Upon clicking, please view the "Master's Forms for Thesis Students" section.
MS Graduate Questionnaire
Please use this form if you are an engineering masters student who will be graduating to let us know of your future plans.
Poster Order Form
Please use this form to submit a request for the poster.
Project Description Form
Please use this form to submit a project description.
Room Reservation Request Form
Please use this form if you would like to reserve a room in Ingram Hall (IGRM) or the Roy F. Mitte (RFM) building for your student organization, study session, or other reasons.
Scheduling your Thesis Defense
Please uses this form to schedule your Thesis Defense.
Senior Social Media Collection Form
Please use this form if you are a senior wanting to share your social media accounts for the ISoE team to tag and feature you and your achievements.
Social Media Student Request Form
Please use this form to request a social media feature for student research, projects, events, and more. All students submitting requests need to have a sponsoring ISoE faculty or staff member.
Student Reimbursement Request Form
Please use this form for reimbursements for personally purchased Senior Design Capstone project supplies/equipment.
Student Travel Request Form
Please use this form if you are traveling as engineering major with the Ingram School of Engineering.