Promotion for Faculty of Instruction

Promotion for Faculty of Instruction

Issue No. 1 
Effective Date: 5/08/2024 
Next Review Date: 5/08/2029 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: Director, Ingram School of Engineering


01.01 This document outlines the procedure for the promotion of Faculty of Instruction in the Ingram School of Engineering. 


02.01 This process replaces EPPS 04.01 to comply with AA/PPS 04.01.26.

02.02 As noted in AA/PPS 04.01.26 (Faculty of Instruction Appointments) faculty of instruction typically spend five years in their current rank prior to being eligible for promotion. The year in which the promotion is reviewed counts as one of the years in rank. In extraordinary cases, fewer than five years will be considered, including appointment of the same or similar rank in other institutions.

02.03 Two areas of activity are important when considering faculty of instruction for promotion, including Effective Teaching and Service. The following sections describe expectations for promotions to Associate Professor of Instruction and to Professor of Instruction in the Ingram School of Engineering.


03.01 Promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction: The Ingram School of Engineering expects that candidates for promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction should have:

a. Demonstrated documented growth and excellence as a teacher as evidenced in the classroom, laboratory, supervision of students, and continuous education.

b. Participated in, and contributed to service activities at the department/school, college, and university levels, such as assigned by Director of the Ingram School of Engineering. Participation in research activities may be considered.

The potential for maintaining continual growth and activity in these areas is a major consideration by the Personnel Committee in their recommendation for promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction. 

Evidence of documented growth and excellence as a teacher must include:

a. At least two letters of recommendation from faculty of Associate or Full Professor rank (tenured or non-tenure) with enough knowledge about the candidate’s teaching performance.

b. Record of meeting or exceeding the faculty expectations for the Ingram School of Engineering, including but not limited to:

reliably offering office hours

  • uploading the course syllabi to the HB 2504 website, certifying rosters, and submitting grades before the deadline
  • submitting ABET accreditation documentation and data on time
  • participating in school meetings and related events
  • completing the TXST mandatory trainings

c. Positive in-class peer teaching and student evaluations.

d. Statement of teaching philosophy.

Evidence of growth and excellence in teaching may also include:

  • Communications from former classroom students attesting to excellence
  • Awards
    • university-level teaching awards
    • teaching awards sponsored by student organizations
  • Student Involvement
    • Journal and conference publications, and conference presentations by students of the candidate based on class projects, etc.
    • Evidence of successful mentoring of students
  • Other teaching activities
    • Obtaining funding for development or enhancement of courses and curricula
    • Production of educational materials such as textbooks, educational software, etc.
  • Teaching materials (including examinations) 

Evidence of service activities may include:

  • Participation in School, College of University Committees
  • Attendance at university functions such as graduation, Bobcat Days, etc.
  • Serving as faculty advisor to engineering-related student organizations
  • Recruiting or serving as a resource to K-12 schools or other appropriate entities
  • Outreach to external entities
  • Participation in professional societies and external service may be considered.

03.02 Promotion to Professor of Instruction: The Ingram School of Engineering expects that candidates for promotion to Professor of Instruction should have continued to meet the expectations required of Associate Professors of Instruction as described in 03.01 and as demonstrated by objective evidence.

In addition to criteria 03.01 a and b, the candidate should have demonstrated leadership through service to the school, college, and university, professional associations, community organizations, and/or government agencies.

Two recommendation letters must be from Full Professors (tenured or non-tenure) with enough knowledge about the candidate’s teaching performance. 


04.01 Candidates should consult the department’s policy regarding preparation of documentation for the promotion review. AA/PPS 04.01.26 also details eligibility criteria for and promotion, the timeline and processes associated with decision making at various levels such as department, college, provost, etc. Documentation is the responsibility of the candidate.