M2.02 - CAD Pit Stop: Refining Digital Assets
Implementing industry-standard filing system
Sponsor: Bobcat Racing
Student Team: Brennan Murray, Ado Kurugu, and PJ Nielson
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers

The CAD Pit Stop: Refining Digital Assets project involves creating an industry-standard filing system for the Bobcat Racing team. The project involves intelligently grouping CAD files into multiple levels of assemblies. This will allow for every part on the Bobcat Racing car to have an easy-to-find version on SolidWorks. The ultimate goal of the project is to have a comprehensive filing system that will be implemented for the continuous and expanding Bobcat Racing team for years to come.
M2.02 Presentation
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M2.02 Project Presentation
M2.02 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Brennan Murray, jnq11@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers, ms1694@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M2.02 Evaluation Form