E2.05 - San Marcos Heat
Portable multi-dimensional mapping device.
Sponsor: Department of Health & Human Performance & Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Zachary Seaton, Corey Anderson, Matthew Lee, Bryan McCauley
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Jeffrey Stevens

We have been tasked with creating and characterizing an analog timing circuit for a non-lethal device that does not have to hit it's intended target, just get close. Our timing circuit will control the deployment of a payload from a projectile, either a deterrent (pepper spray) in the .68cal use case for self defense or an anti drone payload for the 40mm use case. The circuit does not have any batteries involved, it is completely powered by the energy harvested from the magnetic fields as it passes through the magnetic barrel, keeping from the issues that come from storing batteries.
E2.05 Presentation
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E2.05 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Zachary Seaton, zgs11@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Nr. Jeffrey Stevens, rwn24@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.05 Evaluation Form