E1.06 - Ouroboros Guitar Looper Pedal
An innovative & user-friendly guitar looper pedal.
Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Kyle Ratcliff, David Landeros, Renee Aguilar, Brandon Markham
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Welker

Our project is a 9V battery powered guitar looper pedal equipped with an OLED display and 12-bit audio capability. It allows users to record loops up to 5 minutes in length with unlimited overdubs and undo/redo actions for real-time modification. Up to 10 loop sessions can be saved and played back later. Additionally, users can save, import, and export recordings to and from the pedal. Built around the Daisy Seed microcontroller, the “Ouroboros” provides an affordable, open-source alternative to traditional pedals on the market.
E1.06 Poster Pitch
To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!
Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Kyle Ratcliff, olk16@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Welker, m_w399@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E1.06 Evaluation Form