C2.02 - City of Buda T-Intersection Remodel
Discrete and sustainable infiltration system
Sponsor: WSB
Student Team: Devin Coville, Jonathan Lopez, Lesly Luna, Jesus Saenz, Andrew Winston
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez

This project proposes the implementation of a roundabout intersection design to improve the City of Buda's downtown corridor. Currently the project is in a PS&E design phase to enhance traffic flow, traffic safety, pedestrian accessibility, on-street parking, preexisting tie-ins, and ADA and TxDOT compliance. This new design will consist of a three-way single-lane roundabout equipped with activated crossing beacons that is best suited for pedestrians and vehicle flow. Choosing this alternative gives not only the drivers, but residents and tourists a better experience when visiting the heart of Texas.
C2.02 Presentation
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C2.02 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Devin Coville, dec151@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez, wgy8@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: C2.02 Evaluation Form