C1.07 - Industrial Site Development
Creating an optimized site plan
Sponsor: CUDE Engineering
Student Team: Jaxon Coates, Kara Erfurth, Jose De La Sancha Arce, Jacoby Hernandez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez

C1.07 Logo
This project aims to create an industrial facility at 600 Centerpoint Rd. in San Marcos, Texas. The project will be separated into two phases that cover civil engineering site planning, and infrastructure design. The objective is to create a fully operating industrial site that satisfies regulatory standards and makes the best use of available land.
C1.07 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information

From left to right (Jose De La Sancha, Jacoby Hernandez, Kara Erfurth, Jaxon Coates)
Team Project Manager: Jaxon Coates, wze3@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Felipe Gutierrez , wgy8@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: C1.07 Evaluation Form