M1.03 - Protocol Frame

CubeSat Structural Frame for in-house manufacture.

Sponsor: Dr. Blagoy Rangelov
Student Team: Reagan Spencer, Holt Pierce, Abigail Han, Ezequiel Jimenez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Shahin

M1.03 Logo
M1.03 Logo

We are designing the structural frame for a standard-sized small satellite called a CubeSat. Our goal is to design the CubeSat in a way that is reproducible using the equipment that is available at Texas State and choose a material that will survive the vacuum of space without being too expensive. We also need to document how to manufacture the CubeSat as well as our reasoning for decisions such as material selection and process selection.

M1.03 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

M1.03 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

M1.03 Team Photo
From left to right (Holt Pierce, Zeke Jimenez, Reagan Spencer, Abigail Han)

Team Project Manager: Reagan Spencer, ras317@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Shahin, ms1694@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M1.03 Evaluation Form