I1.04 - Pirate Wind Turbines

Off-grid pirate wind turbines.

Sponsor: Dan Marsh
Student Team: Christian Arenas Sandoval, Izak Salinas, KJ Leggins
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa

I1.04 Logo
I1.04 Logo

Pirate Wind Turbines (PT) is a privately owned company located in San Antonio, TX they are dedicated to the innovation of the Small Wind Turbine (SWT) market. The goal of this project is to understand the market needs for the SWT market by performing a SWOT and Cost analysis to help position PT as a leader in this market.

I1.04 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

I1.04 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

I1.04 Team Photo
From left to right (Izak Salinas , Christian Arenas Sandoval, Kendrick Leggins)

Team Project Manager: Christian Arenas Sandoval , caw281@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa, ml40@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: I1.04 Evaluation Form