E2.01 - Light Fidelity System (Li-FiS)

Li-Fi: Using Light for Wireless Communications.

Sponsor: NASA TSGC
Student Team: Patrick Towner, Yasmin Baqdounes, Nathan Boldt, Rupendra Chhetri
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Welker

E2.01 Logo
E2.01 Logo

The Electro-Magicians are investigating light-fidelity technology to demonstrate a prototype proof-of-concept of an optical wireless communication system that sends and receives information between a base station to systems such as a robot arm, temperature sensing and control, and text-based communications by using light to transfer data between the systems. Like Wi-Fi, light-fidelity systems stream content from a server and the internet, making Li-Fi technology a viable option for future human spaceflight missions by providing advantages (over Wi-Fi) related to data transfer speeds and electromagnetic interference.

Some advantages of light fidelity technology include the bandwidth of near-infrared light being 700 times wider than the entire radio frequency bandwidth, opening up significantly more possible connections; light communications will not penetrate walls or any obstruction of light, eliminating threats such as signal hijacking or eavesdropping; and LED and photo-detecting circuits can be easily integrated into Li-Fi network and implemented into lamps or overhead lighting.

E2.01 Presentation

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E2.01 Project Presentation

E2.01 Poster Pitch

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E2.01 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Patrick Towner, ppt6@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Welker, m_w399@txstate.edu

E2.01 Team Photo
From left to right (Yasmin Baqdounes, Patrick Towner, Rupendra Chhetri, Nathan Boldt,)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.01 Evaluation Form