C2.01 - Airport Futurity

Full life cycle analysis of runway improvement.

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Nigiel Lozano, Matthew Lancon, David Karr, Bianca Desouza
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Feng Hong & Dr. Felipe Gutierrez

C2.01 Logo
C2.01 Logo

Our team was prompted to address airport asset needs, so as a starting point we decided to use the San Marcos Regional Airport (SMRA) as a model for analysis for our project. An asset alternative analysis was performed, to which our group decided that runway pavement condition and performance should be addressed first. Life-cycle costs and sustainability analyses were performed shortly after to support the sustainable design of a runway overlay, with the primary goal of increasing traffic bearing capacity. Hypothetically, this would help the regional airport meet the needs of a feverishly expanding community, and incoming wealth. For Senior Design II, we plan to create a runway pavement system design and an asphalt mix design for SMRA Runway 13/31.

C2.01 Presentation

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C2.01 Project Presentation

C2.01 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

C2.01 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Nigiel Lozano, n_l159@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Feng Hong, dld249@txstate.edu & Dr. Felipe Gutierrez, wgy8@txstate.edu

C2.01 Team Photo
From left to right (Matthew Lancon, Nigiel Lozano, Bianaca Desouza, David Karr)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: C2.01 Evaluation Form