M1.03 - Electric Field Mill
Functional mill that can predict lightning strikes.
Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering
Student Team: Bryce Raybon, Markell Evans, Musa Kurugu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson

Creating an electric field mill to predict lightning strikes by measuring the atmospheric electric field on the ground. This electromechanical device will feature a fully motorized a rotating vane as well as a rugged weatherproof encasing/housing to protect the inner electric workings of the electric field mill. The electric field mill is measured by a sensor plate featuring two pairs of electrodes which are shielded and unshielded by the rotating vane in order to create a dynamic & changing field that can be measured.
M1.03 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Bryce Raybon, blr141@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson, j_d411@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M1.03 Evaluation Form