I2.04 - Ingram Hall Makerspace: Dream - Believe – Succeed

Facilty Layout Optimization

Sponsor: Ingram Hall Makerspace, Mr. John Ivey
Student Team: Ryan Powell, Daniel Ebuzeme, Jeff Davis, Jacob O'Neill
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa

I2.04 Logo
I2.04 Logo

This project will consist of optimization within the Ingram Hall Makerspace tool room, including the placement of storage shelves, location of tools, and integrated wall mounts for tools. A final layout plan will be proposed to help prevent expected bottle necking as a prediction in users of 75% or more will occur by 2022. Analysis of tool usage and ergonomics will provide necessary information for new implementations as the number of users in Ingram hall Makerspace continues to climb.

I2.04 Project Presentation

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I2.04 Project Presentation

I2.04 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

I2.04 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Ryan Powell, rbp32@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa, ml40@txstate.edu

I2.04 Team Photo
From left to right (Ryan Powell, Jacob O'Neill, Daniel Ebuzeme, Jeff Davis)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: I2.04 Evaluation Form