I2.02 - Inventory Planning and Delivery Route Improvements

Inventory planning and improved routes for CTFB

Sponsor: Central Texas Food Bank, Stephanie Cosmas
Student Team: Adaora Anagbogu, Leo Montoya, Cross Mitchell
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa

I2.02 Logo
I2.02 Logo

A leading organization in the fight against hunger relief, the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB) enlists Texas State to help with issues in inventory procurement and distribution. This project aims to provide CTFB with an optimal product category mix to invest in for inventory supplementation through an LP model. Additionally, an improved partner agency delivery routes will be proposed through thorough analysis.

I2.02 Project Presentation

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I2.02 Project Presentation

I2.02 Project Presentation

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

I2.02 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Adaora Anagbogu, a_a1378@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa, ml40@txstate.edu

I2.02 Team Photo
From left to right (Leo Montoya, Adaora Anagbogu, Cross Mitchell)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: I2.02 Evaluation Form