I2.01 - Evaluating the Effect of Misinformation Within Industries
The Effects of Misinformation Within Industries
Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering, Dr. Zhijie Sasha Dong
Student Team: Jesse Contreras, Brandon McCarthy, Robert Torres
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa
Misinformation is overly abundant, not only in day-to-day life but also within industries. Misconceptions have led to people not following proper precautions and procedures when dealing with tasks at hand. The project aims to understand the diffusion and effect of this misinformation on three different industries: medical, education, and small business. This will be done through the labeling of a machine learning algorithm’s input data of Twitter tweets on a criterion of truthfulness. Next, interviews will be conducted with professionals aimed to measure the role social media plays on the population’s consumption of news and as well as the effects of misinformation on their respective industry
I2.01 Project Presentation
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I2.01 Poster Pitch
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Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Jesse Contreras, jac738@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle Londa, ml40@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: I2.01 Evaluation Form