E2.03 - Team Waveguide

3D Printing waveguide antennas and devices

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering, Dr. Rich Compeau
Student Team: Anurag Kumar, Sarah Picas, Matthew Bistricer, Dylan Woody, Brody Mills, Cole Knapek, Josue Garcia, Vahid Jalaliani
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephan & Dr. Stern

E2.03 Logo
E2.03 Logo

Our project is a feasibility study that examines the practical ability to replicate the performance of commercially available waveguide components through 3D printing and then applying a conductive coating. In the project, we replicate a straight waveguide section, a waveguide bulkhead adapter, a coax-to-waveguide adapter, a low-gain horn antenna, and a high-gain horn antenna, because we have access to commercial versions of most of them. We measure the performance of the replicated components by measuring their insertion loss and the VSWR, or by checking whether they can wirelessly transmit information. This is important because waveguide components are expensive, making them difficult to obtain. Creating waveguide components through 3D printing and applying a conductive coating could be a more cost-effective way to obtain these components.

E2.03 Project Presentation

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E2.03 Project Presentation

E2.03 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

E2.03 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Anurag Kumar, a_k329@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Karl Stephan, ks22@txstate.edu &  Dr. Harold Stern, hs17@txstate.edu

E2.03 Team Photo
Top left to right (Anurag Kumar, Vahid Jalaliani, Sarah Picas, Dylan Woody) Bottom Left to right (Matthew Bistricer, Josue Garcia, Cole Knapek, Brody Mills)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.03 Evaluation Form