E2.09 - GAIA Smart Garden Controller
GAIA Smart Garden Controller
Sponsor: Texas State University
Student Team: Patrick Schneider, Brandon Sanders, Jordan Bonn
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maggie Chen
GAIA is a smart garden controller that allows the user to automate a plants' growing cycle. This system continuously monitors the ambient and water environments by recording data on variables such as pH, water temperature, ambient temperature, humidity and the light levels. The collected data can be viewed locally on the systems touchscreen or remotely using our accompanying Mobile Application. GAIA also allows the user to create schedules via relays, to simulated day and night modes using a 0 – 10 Volt lighting control scheme and external devices.
E2.09 Project Presentation
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E2.09 Poster Presentation
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Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Patrick Schneider, pas144@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maggie Chen yc12@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.09 Evaluation Form