E1.01 - Lords of Synth
Battery-Powered 1V/Octave Analog Synthesizer
Sponsor: Texas State University & Dr. Richard Compeau
Student Team: Jacob Sees, Claire Akers, Miles Keyser, Charles Morales
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Compeau
Ultimately, the product constructed will be a 1 Volt per Octave battery powered analog synthesizer. The synthesizer will be able to output several different waveforms within the fourth octave defined by the twelve-tone equal temperament. Additionally, the synthesizer will be capable of accepting control voltage from an external keyboard and will be playable through an external speaker.
E1.01 Poster Presentation
To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!
E1.01 Poster.pdf
Team Contact Information
Team Project Manager: Jacob Sees, jes316@txstate.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Compeau , crc194@txstate.edu
Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E1.01 Evaluation Form