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EE Ph.D.- Mission, Objectives, Outcomes
Mission Statement:
The strength of the doctoral program lies in the depth and breadth of its core electrical engineering courses, which promote innovative research and development of new technologies. The program’s mission is to cultivate graduates who can contribute to leadership and research in areas focused on advancements in energy production and management, semiconductor development and commercialization, and advanced computing and communications technologies.
The goals of the program are to train graduates with a focus on:
- Semiconductor development, power, advanced computing and communication technologies that include Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Wireless (6G and beyond), Internet of things (IoT), Power Systems, and Semiconductor Devices.
- Commercialization, entrepreneurship, and innovation
Program Educational Objectives:
The Program Educational Objectives of the PhD program are designed to equip graduates with:
- depth of technical knowledge in relevant areas of electrical engineering
- skills for conducting cutting-edge applied research and communications that advance the state-of-the-art in various areas of electrical engineering
- leadership, innovation, communication, and entrepreneurial skills that prepare students to tackle challenges in multidisciplinary and diverse teams within academic and industrial organizations
Student Outcomes:
Each student is expected to demonstrate:
- An ability to apply technical knowledge in complementary electrical, communications, and computational engineering areas.
- An ability to draft research proposals for conducting cutting-edge research that advances the state-of-the-art in applied electrical, communications, computational areas, and develop a sound business plan and leadership skills.
- An ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing.