CE Ph.D. Faculty
Meet our faculty that comprise the Civil Engineering (CE) Ph.D. Program.
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Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Dr. Feng WangWangFengCE Ph.D. Program DirectorEmail: f_w34@txstate.eduRFM 5203
Research Interests: Transportation Engineering, Pavement Management Systems, Emergency Evacuation
Dr. Subasish DasDasSubasishAssistant ProfessorEmail: mvx13@txstate.eduRFM 5202
Research Interests: Smart infrastructure, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Foundation Models, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Causal AI, Traffic Safety and Operations, Natural Language Processing, Advanced Language Models, Digital Twin, GIS, & Systems Engienering
Dr. Sangchul "San" HwangHwangSangchul "San"Associate ProfessorEmail: s_h617@txstate.eduIGRM 5312
Research Interests: Walter Sustainability, Green Infrastructure, Nature-Inspired Engineering
Dr. Keisuke IkehataIkehataKeisukeAssistant ProfessorEmail: k_i43@txstate.eduIGRM 5313
Research Interests: Sustainable water resources management, Advanced water and wastewater treatment, Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Dr. Togay OzbakkalogluOzbakkalogluTogayProfessorEmail: t_o77@txstate.eduRFM 5205
Research Interests: Use of advanced composite materials in design, repair, and strengthening of structures to enhance resilience and sustainability of civil infrastructure, Development of resilient and sustainable composite structural systems incorporating bio- and waste-based materials, Development of sustainable waste-based structural concretes using recycled materials.
Dr. Xijun ShiShiXijunAssistant ProfessorEmail: x_s21@txstate.eduRFM 5208
Research Interests: Cementitious Materials Containing Recycled Aggregates, Multifunctional Construction Materials for Smart Infrastructure, Sustainable, High Performance Fiber Reinforced Construction Materials, Concrete Durability