Meet our faculty that comprise the Ingram School of Engineering.
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Civil Engineering Faculty
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Industrial Engineering Faculty
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Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Endowed Positions
Per Course Positions
Dr. Jesus JIMENEZJIMENEZJesusSchool Director - ProfessorEmail: jj30@txstate.eduIGRM 2203
Research Interests: Data-Intensive Analytics and Simulation. Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing and Supply Chain System. Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins. Design of Experiments
Dr. Bahram AsiabanpourAsiabanpourBahramMFGE Program Coordinator & ProfessorEmail: ba13@txstate.eduIGRM 3306F
Research Interests: Rapid Prototyping, CAD/CAM, Rapid Product Development
Dr. Semih AslanAslanSemihEE Program Coordinator & Associate ProfessorEmail: sa40@txstate.eduIGRM 4311
Research Interests: Computer Architecture, DSP and Digital Image Processing, Embedded System Design, Hardware Design with FPGAs and VLSI, Hardware Performance Optimization
Dr. Ravi DroopadDroopadRaviGraduate Program Coordinator & ProfessorEmail: rd41@txstate.eduIGRM 2210H
Research Interests: Epitaxial thin film materials for next generation high speed optoelectronic devices, Heterointegration of dissimilar materials, High mobility compound semiconductor channels CMOS devices, Functional oxides integrated onto semiconductors
Dr. Michelle LondaLondaMichelleCo-op Program Coordinator & Associate Professor of PracticeEmail: ml40@txstate.eduIGRM 3310
Research Interests: Energy efficient building and construction, Sustainable concrete, Aliphatic Polyketones, Lightweight composites, Recruitment and retention of women and minorities in STEM, Cooperative education
Dr. Clara NovoaNovoaClaraIE Program Coordinator & ProfessorEmail: cn17@txstate.eduIGRM 4001E
Research Interests: Operations Research and Supply Chain Engineering, Dynamic and stochastic programming, Integer (Linear and Non-linear) programming, Heuristics and simulation techniques, Sampling techniques: bootstrapping, stratification, Parallel and distributed computing for large-scale optimization
Dr. Feng WangWangFengCE Program Coordinator & ProfessorEmail: f_w34@txstate.eduRFM 5203
Research Interests: Transportation Engineering, Pavement Management Systems, Emergency Evacuation
Dr. Abdurrahman AlmikatiAlmikatiAbdurrahmanAssistant Professor of InstructionEmail: djd183@txstate.eduIGRM 2102
Research Interest: Expansive Soils, Ground Improvement, Centrifuge Testing, Geosynthetics, Instrumentation and Automation
Dr. Michael L. CaseyCaseyMichael L.Senior LecturerEmail: mc74@txstate.eduIGRM 2210B
Research Interests: Traffic-handling protocols, Error control coding, Engineering education
Dr. Heping "Fred" ChenChenHeping "Fred"Associate ProfessorEmail: hc15@txstate.eduIGM 3306E
Research Interests: Industrial robotics: intelligent robotics, “smart” robotics and human-like robotics, Autonomous industrial robots on a mobile platform, Embedded control system for advanced robot control, Nano-robotics: nanomanipulation and automatic nanomanufacturing of nanosensors, Sensor fusion in industrial applications
Dr. Yihong "Maggie" ChenChenYihong "Maggie"ProfessorEmail: yc12@txstate.eduIGRM 2210J
Research Interests: Nano-electronics: nano-FET, nano-antenna, carbon-nanotube, Microwave photonics, Photonic true-time delay beamformer for phased array antenna, Silicon nanophotonics: modulators, switches, light emitting devices, beamsteering devices, integration and packaging, Polymer photonics devices: optical switches, E-O modulators, Photonic crystals: photonic crystal fibers, slow-light photonic crystal waveguides and devices
Dr. C. Rich CompeauCompeauC. RichProfessor of PracticeEmail: crc194@txstate.eduIGRM 2210D
Research Interest: Engineering Education
Dr. Subasish DasDasSubasishAssistant ProfessorEmail: mvx13@txstate.eduRFM 5202
Research Interests: Smart infrastructure, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Foundation Models, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Causal AI, Traffic Safety and Operations, Natural Language Processing, Advanced Language Models, Digital Twin, GIS, & Systems Engienering
Dr. James DavidsonDavidsonJamesAssistant Professor of PracticeEmail: j_d411@txstate.eduIGRM 3305
Dr. Khosrow EbrahimiEbrahimiKhosrowAssistant Professor of PracticeEmail: ucj8@txstate.eduIGRM 3208
Dr. Anahita EmamiEmamiAnahitaAssistant ProfessorEmail: a_e386@txstate.eduIGRM 3311
Research Interests: Integration of artificial intelligence in additive manufacturing, Design optimization of structured materials, Contact mechanics, friction, and wear of viscoelastic materials, Process optimization in advanced manufacturing
Dr. Felipe GutierrezGutierrezFelipeAssistant Professor of PracticeEmail: wgy8@txstate.eduRFM 5209
Dr. Sangchul "San" HwangHwangSangchul "San"Associate ProfessorEmail: s_h617@txstate.eduIGRM 5312
Research Interests: Walter Sustainability, Green Infrastructure, Nature-Inspired Engineering
Dr. Keisuke IkehataIkehataKeisukeAssistant ProfessorEmail: k_i43@txstate.eduIGRM 5313
Research Interests: Sustainable water resources management, Advanced water and wastewater treatment, Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Dr. Tongdan JinJinTongdanProfessorEmail: tj17@txstate.eduIGRM 4001D
Research Interests: Sustainable supply chain operations, Renewable energy policy and market, Product and service integration, Reliability and resilience of engineering and financial systems
Dr. Namwon KimKimNamwonAssociate ProfessorEmail: n_k43@txstate.eduIGRM 3307
Research Interests: Micro/nano-systems for bio-medical/analytical applications, Experimental microfluidics and optical measurements, Transport phenomena as related to micro/nano-fluidic systems, Advanced multi-scale manufacturing and surface modification
Dr. Lawrence LarsonLarsonLawrencePer Course LecturerEmail: ll25@txstate.eduIGRM 2210E
Research Interests: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes, Semiconductor Metrology, Scuba Diving Physics and Physiology
Dr. Junghsen LiehLiehJunghsenAssistant Professor of InstructionEmail: fqr12@txstate.eduIGRM 3306C
Dr. Marcelo Menezes De CarvalhoMenezes De CarvalhoMarceloAssistant ProfessorEmail: jmy53@txstate.eduIGRM 2212
Dr. Togay OzbakkalogluOzbakkalogluTogayProfessorEmail: t_o77@txstate.eduRFM 5205
Research Interests: Use of advanced composite materials in design, repair, and strengthening of structures to enhance resilience and sustainability of civil infrastructure, Development of resilient and sustainable composite structural systems incorporating bio- and waste-based materials, Development of sustainable waste-based structural concretes using recycled materials.
Dr. Eduardo PerezPerezEduardoProfessorEmail: e_p86@txstate.eduIGRM 4001F
Research Interests: Optimal decision policies for system configuration and resource allocation, Health care systems engineering and analysis of patient flow, Reliability analysis and maintenance decisions for wind energy systems, Discrete event modeling and simulation. Stochastic Programming
Dr. Rosario Rosas-VegaRosas-VegaRosarioSenior LecturerEmail: r_r361@txstate.eduIGRM 4001B
Research Interests: Supply Chain Management , Forecasting, International Logistics, Lean Manufacturing
Dr. Natalia Russi-VigoyaRussi-VigoyaNataliaPer Course LecturerEmail: mr1329@txstate.eduIGRM 2102
Dr. Xijun ShiShiXijunAssistant ProfessorEmail: x_s21@txstate.eduRFM 5208
Research Interests: Cementitious Materials Containing Recycled Aggregates, Multifunctional Construction Materials for Smart Infrastructure, Sustainable, High Performance Fiber Reinforced Construction Materials, Concrete Durability
Dr. Karl StephanStephanKarlProfessorEmail: ks22@txstate.eduIGRM 2214C
Research Interest: Microwave devices and systems, Engineering ethics, Atmospheric physics and plasmas, History of engineering and technology
Mark SummersSummersMarkLecturerEmail: ms1824@txstate.eduIGRM 3308
Research Interests: Finite-Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Mechanical Design Optimization
Dr. Austin TalleyTalleyAustinAssistant Professor of PracticeEmail: abt30@txstate.eduIGRM 3312
Research Interest: Makerspace: Inclusivity, Retention, & Student Learning, Senior Design: Mentorship, Impacts, & Senior Design Day, STEM Project Based Learning, STEM Active Learning
Dr. Jitendra TateTateJitendraProfessorEmail: jt31@txstate.eduIGRM 3306G
Development, manufacturing, and characterization of high-performance thermoset and thermoplastics polymeric matrix composites for industrial, aerospace, sports, biomedical, and energy applications.
Dr. Damian VallesVallesDamianAssistant ProfessorEmail: d_v173@txstate.eduIGRM 2210G
Research Interests: High Performance Computing (HPC) ,Computer Architecture & Digital Designing, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning, Visualization
Dr. Amir Hosein ZamanianZamanianAmir HoseinAssistant ProfessorEmail: ful17@txstate.eduIGRM 3306D